Sun Shangxiang

Sun Shang Xiang lived during the three kingdoms era of ancient China. She was the only daughter of Sun Jian, warlord of the southern kingdom of Wu. She had four brothers, the most notable being the two eldest, Sun Ce and Sun Quan, both of whom subsequently became rulers of Wu. She is often depicted as a tomboy, as she had extensive martial arts training.

While the Wu emperor, Sun Quan invited Liu Bei, the ruler of the rival Shu kingdom, to travel to Wu. Liu Bei was told that the purpose of the visit was to marry Sun Shang Xiang, and to strengthen their alliance with the deed. However, the marriage proposal turned out to be a nearly lethal trap created by the strategist Zhou Yu. Liu Bei got word of the plot early on and fled back to Shu with Sun Shang Xiang.

It is believed that Sun Shang Xiang fell in love with Liu Bei.

After the first plan failed, Sun Quan spread fake news that Lady Wu, Sun Shang Xiang's mother, was extremely ill and wished to see her daughter and step-grandson, Liu Shan. Sun Quan planned to use the child as a hostage. Very distressed, Sun Shang Xiang attempted to leave with her stepson. However, Zhao Yun blocked the way and retrieved Liu Shan. Undeterred, Sun Shang Xiang travelled on back to Wu where she would remain. She never saw Liu Bei again.

Source: Wikipedia