Ne Zah

It was said that Ne Zha was originally an immortal called Daluo in the court of the Jade Emperor, ruler of Heaven. Daluo was more than 20 meters tall and had three heads, nine eyes and eight arms. His mouth emits a special kind of mist and when he roared, great rain would pour and the universe would shake in fear. A description such as this gives the impression that Daluo was a most powerful and formidable immortal. The Jade Emperor decided to send Da Luo down to Earth to subdue demons that were doing much damage to mankind. An immortal disguised as a priest brought Daluo's soul to a small kingdom in ancient China. The king's wife was approaching labor when she dreamt that a Taoist priest pushed something into her pregnant stomach. Immediately after, the child was born and King Li rushed into the room to see his newborn. The queen told him of what had happened and he thought the incident was most inauspicious. Just as he was about to kill the baby with his sword, the little bundle produced a glowing red light and a bracelet which he wore on his right wrist produced a bright dazzling golden light. The bracelet was the 'thing' that the priest had given to the queen and was in fact the 'horizon of Heaven and Earth'. The baby's life was spared and he was given the name Ne Zha. As he was the third son of King Li, he was also known as the Third Prince.
