Liu Feng Yi

Liu Fengyi was born in the year of 1969 right in the snuff bottle capital of Hengshui, Hebei. He showed the interest of fine arts in very young age and later joined the factory of porcelain making as an artist. He started to learn the inside painting of snuff bottles during his spare time. As he was getting better from time to time, he took Mr. Li Shouxun as his teacher and leaned all the technique from Mr. Li. He specializes in painting the Chinese ladies in traditional custumes and opera charscters from the past. His works show how he takes care of the details with dignity. His famous works were " The Twelve Beauties of Jinglin" and " The Meeting of Heroes" ( The Chinese version of The Knights of Round Table ). Currently, he is an instructor of Li Shouxun's school of art in inside painting.

Information and photo by Li Shouxun.